Vixi Jil Glenn


I was hooked. Ted told Jack tales for the rest of the afternoon and I clung to every word he said.

Wil Roberts


…[Ray] shut his eyes and started an afternoon and evening of talk, stories, reminiscences, reflections on the practicalities of life and the mysteries of existence, jokes, ghosts and outrageous lies.

Esther Jepson Doetsch


When I saw Ray on the stage, I thought I was looking at a tableau by Norman Rockwell with audio by Jackson Pollock.

Dennis Freeman


Ray taught me the Swapping Song which I still sing to this day. I knew that I was in a rare and wonderful situation and thanked the storytelling muse for putting me there.

Hana Hobscheid


I am 10 years old and I live in Chicago. I remember when Ted told a story on the phone to my second grade class. We put a speaker-telephone on the rocking chair and pretended that Ted was right with us. His story was about The Man in the Moon. Normally my class is noisy. … Read More